Fishing Herring Creek Reservoir
Tuolumne County
Herring Creek Reservoir and its drainage, Herring Creek, offer good fishing in Tuolumne County, away from the popular destinations like Pinecrest Lake and Beardsley Reservoir. The open, safe shoreline of Herring Creek Reservoir and the easy access to both the lake and Herring Creek make it a great place to take the whole family for a day of fishing. Open spaces along the shoreline are enjoyable for spin casting and fly fishing alike.
An interesting fishing sidetrip from Herring Creek is to head down to Waterhouse Reservoir. Follow the same road (4N12) 2 miles past Herring Creek Campground. Then turn right onto a side-road, following it about three-quarters of a mile to the trailhead. The hike is along a sometimes unimproved trail down to the lake. You descend almost a thousand feet. You can fish Waterhouse Reservoir for rainbow trout.
If you enjoy fishing small streams, you could try your luck on a couple of the tributaries to the Clark Fork. A good trail follows Disaster Creek up to its headwaters, and another trail parallels Arnot Creek. The two trails meet about 5 miles up from the Clark Fork.

Herring Creek Reservoir
Other Nearby Featured Trips in Tuolumne County:
- Beardsley Reservoir Afterbay - easy access fishing
- Relief Reservoir and Creek - only an hour's hike from Kennedy Meadows. Set out early and arrive in time for a full morning of fishing.
- Sharon Lake a remote mountain lake. This is best done as an overnight trip which includes fishing along Kennedy Creek.
- South Fork Stanislaus River - Fraser Flat - good early season, camping available nearby.
- South Fork Stanislaus River - From Strawberry upstream to Pinecrest Lake.

Herring Creek
In My Creel
- Berkley Power Bait
- salmon eggs
- # 16 Royal Coachman
- #16 Adams
- #14 light Cahill
- #14 Royal Wulff
For fishing in Herring Creek I wanted to try my luck with bait, but once I reached Herring Creek Reservoir I switched gear and practiced my fly casting.
Recommended Books, Lures, and Flies for Fishing Herring Creek Reservoir
- High Sierra Fishing , Basics to Advanced Tactics, Billy Van Loek. This is the book I go back to again and again to improve my fishing technique in the high Sierra.
- Trout: The Complete Guide to Catching Trout With Flies, Artificial Lures and Live Bait Everything you need to know to successfully choose the right presentation for any situation on the trout stream, including catching trout with flies, artificial lures and live bait
- Panther Martin Pro Guide Anywhere 6 Pack Great trout lures almost guaranteed to catch fish.
- Fly Fishing Trout Flies | Essential Flies for Trout | Hand-Tied Dry Flies, Nymphs, Streamers 32 of the most proven Trout flies, well-known for their timeless fish-catching effectiveness.

Herring Creek